Vanish your veins

This laser veins removal service in unavailable at OFF & ON Wellington.

Broken veins or spider veins can be a common concern for many, appearing at any age but often becoming more noticeable as we age. We believe understanding the cause is the first step towards effective treatment and prevention and then our team can shed light to give you an effective treatment plan to manage this.  

Those pesky broken or spider veins on the face don't discriminate by age, though they do tend to show up more as we get older. Blame it on the genes—if one of your parents or family members has them, you might just inherit them too. 

Another culprit? Sun exposure, especially here in NZ. The sun's rays can damage the lining of our veins over time, causing them to dilate and become more visible on our skin. And it's not just about age or genes; extreme weather can also make those broken veins on your chest and face more noticeable, making them extra bothersome in both the heat and the cold. 


At OFF & ON, we use the Candela Gentle Max Pro.   

The laser is absorbed by the damaged vessel, which denatures it, this is then naturally absorbed by the body and flushes out through the lymphatic system. This results in the removal of the vein which was damaged and not functioning correctly.   


We’re able to treat Fitzpatrick skin types 1 to 4 for our laser veins removal treatments and for veins which are 1-2mm in width (not length).

For any veins that are larger, we recommend you visit our doctor-led parent company, Skin Institute.

There are a few pre-treatment and post treatment requirements as well. Please read here.

Vanish your veins. Book your free consult today. 

This laser veins removal service in unavailable at OFF & ON Wellington.


Laser Veins Removal ConsultationComplimentary
Laser Veins Removal Consultation with Vascular Laser Treatment170
Laser Veins Removal Treatment170
Laser Veins Removal Treatment 3-Course Package459


Advanced Laser Technology

 At OFF & ON, we don't just settle for any laser—we use the Candela GentleMax Pro, the crème de la crème of lasers. The Candela GentleMax Pro, the highest grade laser on the market, ensures superior results for vascular treatments.  

Safe Treatment Guidelines

Safety is our top priority. Our stores strictly adhere to safe guidelines and parameters, ensuring that every treatment is not only effective but also safe for our clients' skin.  

Enhanced Comfort

Say goodbye to the days of uncomfortable laser treatments. We pamper our clients with ice packs, cooling air, and specialised aftercare to make every session as comfortable as possible for vascular removal.  

Optimal Treatment Plan

We believe in setting realistic expectations. That's why we recommend 1-3 sessions to achieve the best results. We want our clients to walk out feeling confident and happy with their vein removal results.  

Comprehensive Monitoring and Training

Our commitment to excellence doesn't stop at your treatment. We take detailed photos and log all information to track your progress. Plus, our laser technicians are always up-to-date with the latest techniques and treatments through advanced and ongoing training. And the best part? Our software is shared between all our stores, so you can enjoy seamless treatments no matter which OFF & ON store you visit. 


  • Our vascular laser treatment is a non-invasive, quick and super-efficient treatment for red and spider vein removal. 

  • The laser is absorbed by the damaged vessel, which denatures it, this is then naturally absorbed by the body and flushes out through the lymphatic system. This results in the removal of the vein which was damaged and not functioning correctly.  

  • We can treat veins on the face or legs which are 1-2mm in width. 

    For treatment of facial veins, we recommend 1-3 treatments for the best results at 4-6 weeks apart.

    For leg veins, we recommend 1-3 treatments spaced 8-10 weeks apart.

    Both may require maintenance treatments. Your therapist will provide you with a treatment plan during your consultation.  

  • Unfortunately, we cannot treat varicose veins. Suitability for treatment will be established with your therapist during your consultation. If you are unsuitable for treatment, we recommend you visit our parent company, Skin Institute.   

  • We use an advanced cooling system on our laser machine to minimize any discomfort.

    Post treatment, your skin may be a little red and feel like a mild sunburn. This should pass quickly and your technician will advise you of how best to look after the area.

  • Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun. We encourage the use of aloe vera gel and a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen of a minimum of SPF 30+ daily. 

    You may experience bruising and a small hive like appearance in the treated area. You should avoid excessive exercising or sweating for 24 hours post treatment.

    Read here to view our post-treatment care information to find out what to expect.

Pre-Post Treatment Care Information

Things to note before and after you have your treatment.